Sirius Science
logo design
Sirius Science provides the only fully mobile 3D space shows in Ireland. Their target market is schools, community groups, and festivals and they can cater for up to 225 people per show.
I was approached by Susan Heaney, one of the directors of Sirius Science to create a logo design for their new company. Luckily they were in a unique position of not having any direct competition.
We identified that the target market would be a mixture of teachers of STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and maths), students aged 8+, careers advisers, festival programmers, community group coordinators & space geeks! Hence the style of the logo needed to be friendly, playful, and of course unique.
Susan did supply a basic logo idea that consisted of a dog looking up into the sky at the Sirius constellation. This is more commonly known as the Dog Star. As a result this was the basis for one of my designs and ended up being the preferred idea.